Time to Tell In English

Will your story be passed on?

Tell in an audio album

Time to Tell is the only storytelling app and audio platform for personal stories, experiences and memories.
Voices, photos and descriptions packaged with care into audioalbums to easily be passed forward.
Let your story be a part of your family’s future history or even the World’s cultural heritage.. Like a photoalbum with voices

Get started

MEMBERSHIP BASIC – Free listening

– Listen to everything in our arena
– Create one audio album
– Be a guest on other people’s audio albums
– Try as long as you need
– The audio albums you’ve created will be kept


– CREATE your own audio albums
– Unlimited
– Be a guest on other people’s audio albums
– Listen to everything in the arena
– Record & arrange audio tracks
– Add photos & texts
– Get an audience through the arena
– Share privately & publicly
– Community


– CREATE your own audio albums
– Unlimited
– Be a guest on other people’s audio albums
– Listen to everything in the arena
– Record & arrange audio tracks
– Add photos & texts
– Get an audience through the arena
– Share privately & publicly
– Community

What is an audio album?
Like a photo album with voices

Let your story, memories and experiences be passed forward. Invite guests to contribute and record yourself. Easily document directly into the app where audio, photo and text are packaged into episodes. Optionally share with your loved ones privately or publicly on our audio platform. We add the forth sence.

Get the app


Podd | diary | serial

Record episodes in your own nisched micropod. Create a diary, share travel memories or make your own series about how you built that bee-hive. Each episode can be prepared and visible when you like.

Life stories

Tell about your own life in your own way – or interview other persons of interest. Catch the moments and record the stories told when there is still time. Add pictures and descriptions to complete the picture.

Greetings | anniversary

Celebrate with greetings, anecdotes, memories and songs in a digital guestbook.
All guests contribution directly into the dedicated audio album, add a picture and a free text. A very personal gift.

Stories | poetry | fairy tales

Record your book and share privately or publically on the Time to Tell platform.
Maybe you want to record the goodnight story you always tell your children? Easily share it via link or QR code.

Folklore Argentiono

Mauricio Andrada y Grupo is an Argentinian folk band formed in 2009 playing their own music but also very popular songs from Argentina.


Live to Love the Road

Victoria Ahlén, the Swedish Swan that found a home in Sahara. She, who loves with all her heart. She, the Nomad, who will cross every obstacle in the world to share the peace, gratitude and light from Sahara with you.


Lifetime of stories

Born in 1930 and graduated from LEHS in 1947. I then graduated with a degree in Biology from Tufts University in 1951 and since I was 1A I had difficulty getting a permanent job as the Korean war was on. I was drafted into the USMC and served for two years and was trained as a combat photographer. This is part of my lifestory


Short stories in English

Based on true events and stories he has been told. These short stories are his own interpretation and imagination of what really happened.
They all take place in Sweden but are told in English by the authors own voice. 


Create easily in your mobile phone

Record immediately
Invite guests

Hide or show

Select cover image
Photo to audio track
Describe in text
Select label

Link & QR code
Privatly or publicaly 
Themes & Categories

Try for free!
Register today! No notice period.

Smart gift for those who have everything

Do you want to pay tribute to someone who is getting married, celebrating evenly or celebrating another anniversary? Start a guestbook in the Time to Tell app and invite friends to record a greeting, anecdote and congratulations. A personal and highly appreciated gift!
Get the app!

Do not let voices and stories get lost

Do you want to share your own story or interview someone who carries an exciting story? Create audio albums with different content with stories, experiences and memories. Let your child tell from time to time or capture stories from the older generation!
Listen for free!

Time to Tell
– storytelling –

It should be easy to preserve and pass our history, memories and knowledge forward and accessible.
– My dad was slowly loosing his eyesight and I was eager to capture his stories before it was too late. As an entrepreneur with IT background I felt an urge to do something for my family and for future generations as we only leave alot of posts on social media behind us. Now my dad is using Time to Tell for his fairytales he always told us but also stories about his past and about travels.
Voices are memories in themselves and together with photos and descriptions you will package them with care into audio albums to sustain for a long time so they will be a part of the future’s history and cultural heritage.